
Alpha sigma alpha logo
Alpha sigma alpha logo

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Alpha is derived from the Phoenician letter aleph, which is the West Semitic word for " ox". In the system of Greek numerals, it has a value of one. Warren Goodell, IlliDell has truly become a success.Alpha / ˈ æ l f ə/ (uppercase Α, lowercase α Ancient Greek: ἄλφα, álpha, or Greek: άλφα, romanized: álfa) is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. IlliDell probably has one of the most active alumni associations of any campus organization, and thanks to the wise planning of many students, faculty members, and to the faith and foresight of Mr. Since its founding in 1949, IlliDell has been home to over three hundred fifty University of Illinois students, IlliDell members have a golden heritage - a heritage to be proud of. The rest of the name (Illi) comes from the word, Illinois. Because of his generous help, part of the IlliDell name is derived from Mr. Warren Goodell, an interested Ag faculty member, contributed $3000 to total the $5000 needed for the down payment on their first house. The twenty founding students each contributed $100. Twenty students and two faculty members purchased a house located at 706 South Goodwin. The history of IlliDell Cooperative Fraternity dates back to the spring of 1949. Shortly after the initiation of Zeta Chapter, Alpha Gamma Sigma was unanimously accepted as a member of the National Inter-fraternity Conference on June 19, 1971. A committee was appointed to have a composer write a fraternity, sweetheart, and pledge song.

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Royal blue and silver were selected as the fraternity colors and the red rose as the fraternity flower. The ritual, secret grip, password, raps, and motto were adopted. A new fraternity crest was designated and put into use. The fraternity pin and pledge pin were also adopted. The constitution and by-laws were revised and adopted. The second General Convention was held in Columbus, Ohio, November 28 and 29, 1931. Allen, secretary and Delmer Glenn, historian, the Ohio chapter was designated as the Alpha chapter and the Missouri chapter as the Beta chapter. Jones, president Wayne Johnson, vice president Don Rush, treasurer, O. A constitution was drawn up and officers consisted of the following: Clair E. In March, 1931, members and alumni of Tau Gamma Phi met with members of Alpha Gamma Sigma at Columbia, and worked out a plan for joining the two groups in what now constitutes the National Chapter. Each had opportunities to affiliate with national fraternities but the members of these two chapters believed that their ideals were high enough to form the foundation of a new and unique organization. Unknown to each other, Alpha Gamma Sigma at Columbia, Missouri and Tau Gamma Phi at Columbus, Ohio grew to be among the strongest fraternities on their respective campuses. The Thirteen Principles of Alpha Gamma Sigma are:

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Preparing men for life by: coming together as scholars, living as brothers, becoming leaders of tomorrow. Each level provides accomplishments that will follow them throughout their life, and provide them with ample experience as they transition to life beyond college. Guided by our Thirteen Principles, men progress through the levels of SANSKRIT by accomplishing goals set by themselves and their peers. The Alpha Gamma Sigma SANSKRIT program was founded to provide brothers with ample opportunity for personal skill development both in the fraternity and on campus. These are highlighted each year at our National Convention. The National Executive Council provides programs for the betterment of the fraternity with an emphasis on brotherhood, chapter enrichment, and chapter recognition.

Alpha sigma alpha logo