But I am NOT MY SONS! And your boy? Allfather has plans for him. You think you can come here, become a daddy, get a clean slate? That ain't how it works.Thor! The lad seems to think you've changed! Prove it and stop this!.Bloody Draugr Holes! We've got to clear out all these undead bastards!.I would hope to spare you the disappointment. I know how it feels to be wronged, and how it feels to achieve vengeance.And you must never sacrifice that, never. You feel their pain because that is who you are. After a moment, he asked that Death help him lift the logs onto his back, so that he may continue on his journey. Seeing Death before him caused the old man to reconsider his request. And when Death arrived, he asked why the old man had called for him. Then one day, he threw down the logs, as he could no longer bear their weight, and he called for Death to come to him. But the logs were heavy, and he grew weaker as time went. Every evening, he bore the logs on his back and delivered them to his people. There was an old man who chopped wood for his village.I should not have robbed you of that choice. But the choice between life and death should have been yours to make. I do not regret saving your life, and never will.I kill to protect my son, to aid my friends, but I will be no one's monster.

At night we made our way home, alone, or were food for wolves. Our elders beat us till we could not stand. In Sparta, we were taken from our homes as children and raised in the agoge. Be glad you have a home to remember fondly.but if Odin has stolen my son, do not doubt the lengths I will go to!