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We hope you enjoy our growing collection of HD images to use as a background or home screen for your smartphone or computer. The image immediately appears as your MacBook’s new wallpaper. A collection of the top 74 Cool Mac wallpapers and backgrounds available for download for free. If you don’t see the folder you want to use, click the “+” symbol below the list of folders, navigate to the folder, and then click “Choose.” Thumbnail images appear in the preferences window.Ĭlick the thumbnail of the image you want to use to set it as the wallpaper for your MacBook.
#Cool macbook wallpapers for mac#
Image Size: 1024x576 px / 280193 / File Type: jpg Cool Wallpapers For Mac - HD Wallpapers Backgrounds of Your Choice. Image Size: 1920x1200 px / 280192 / File Type: jpg Cool Apple HD Wallpapers. 2560x1600 Macbook Pro Retina Wallpaper 2560x1600'>. 73 top Cool Macbook Wallpapers, carefully selected images for you that start with C letter. 2880x1800 Best MacBook Pro Wallpaper Free HD'>. 3033x1800 Fractal Wallpaper for the MacBook Pro Retina Display'>. For example, click “Pictures” to access the default location for your images. 3072x1728 Apple iMac and MacBook Retina Display Wallpaper 5K Beach and Cliffs'>. Please consider turning off your adblocker to support us. Click “Desktop.” The names of folders on your MacBook appear in the left pane of the preferences window.Ĭlick the folder on your MacBook containing the image that you want to use. Dynamic Wallpapers change throughout the day, making your Mac an all-day companion. Download and use 70,000+ Macbook Pro Wallpaper stock photos for free.